29 October 2009


I don't blame you guys for assuming, but why in that way?
Even though it upsets me and as much as I dislike people misjudging me,
you guys could have gotten a clearer picture if you've asked.

wm, I have nth against you.
this is my blog, my personal space for me to express myself.

I don't owe an explanation, nor do I need one.
I just don't want this to repeat in the future.
Think twice before assuming.


Does it even matter to you anymore even if I were to type hundreds of words
mending this friendship? NO.
What? I only look up to you when I needed you? Now you tell me, WHEN?
I loved you so much as a gf. I swear I really did.

I'm not a person who will easily trust another party, but what happen in the end?
I got a dustbin as a gift for our friendship eh?
We have our lives, but only true friends stay around.
they don't throw away old buddies when the new one comes along.

If this is your way of friendship, I rather not have it.


So now it fell apart after all those "encouragement" you guys said after suntect semi?
wow, what a fast change eh? so much of "friendship & family" i see. tsk.

Can't get along?
So it's my fault that I want the practices to be strict when the competition gets near?

The worst part was, you guys pretended like nothing shit happens!
I should thank wm, bel and fad eh? guess w/o them I'd still be a blur cock till now.

I'm seriously disappointed in B and E.
I know we might not be strongest crew around, but you guys think only for yourselves.
where did that root you guys said went to? crushed into thin air?

this matter really did blew me up.
well, doesn't matter to you guys anymore I suppose.
Have fun.

so much so of the togetherness we had. shit.


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